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1 January 2025

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While purchasing a plot or a site, it is advisable to go in for a rectangular or square shape. As far as possible, the site should be slopping towards North & East or Northeast.


While making the building or the house, it is advisable to have equal open space on all four sides. The levels of open spaces should be higher in South & West side and lower in North & East side. Outlets of rainwater should be in Northeast or North zones.

According to Vaastu, the most beneficial entrances in the house are those in North East, East or North direction.


Living Room is best looked in East, North & Northeast directions. The living room of the central zone (Brahmasthan) should be free from any kind of obstructions. By obstructions, we mean any kind of beam, pillar, fixture, toilet, staircase or even a wall or lift.


The bedroom according to Vaastu should be in southwest/south or west direction.The direction in which you sleep is also very important. One should never sleep with head in the north. Sleeping with head towards south ensures long life. While on a journey, it is advisable to sleep with head towards west.
The children?s bedroom should ideally be in NorthWest. It could be in Southeast & North as well but never in southwest or south.
If you are fortunate enough in present times to have the luxury of having a separate room for the guests, make the guestroom in Northwest or northeast direction.


The kitchen of the house is ideally located in Southeast followed by NorthWest & East.


Bathrooms & Toilets should be in Northwest of the house or in West or South direction.The bathroom/bathrooms can be either inside or outside the house. In case it is inside, it should be located on the eastern or northern side. (If attached to a bedroom, then to eastern or northern side of the bedroom). When located outside, then it should be in Northeast corner, but away from the main building.

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