The online resource
of Baby Names and Names of all Races
Your baby name or your name is extremely
important. Your baby name is his/her life. It is how you identify him
or her. It is how the world identifies your boy or girl. The more insight
you have into the powerful influence of their name, the greater opportunity
to enjoy the success they are capable of achieving.
Names Dictionary of different
Races |
It is not known when humans first began
using names though the practice is certainly very old, probably extending
far into prehistory. Although all cultures and race use names, naming
customs vary greatly from people to people Names serve several purposes.
Most importantly they help distinguish us from one another. Imagine how
difficult it would be to refer to people if we did not use names. Some
names carry information about our roots, such as family or clan names.
They are generally inherited. This Names Dictionary helps you benefit
more out of your name as well as your baby name.