Graphology is a scientific method of identifying,
evaluating, and understanding a person's personality through the
strokes and patterns revealed by his handwriting.
Handwriting reveals hundreds of elements
of the person's "personality and character" which includes glimpses into
the subconscious mind, emotional responsiveness, intellect, energy, fears
and defenses, motivations, imagination, integrity, aptitudes, and even
sex drives . There are over 100 individual traits revealed and an unlimited
number of combinations.
Handwriting is often referred to as
"brain writing". Research scientists in the fields of neuro-science have
categorized neuro-muscular movement tendencies as they are correlated
with specific observable personality traits. Each personality trait is
represented by a neurological brain pattern. Each neurological brain pattern
produces unique neuro-muscular movements that is the same for every
person who has that personality trait. When writing, these tiny movements
occur unconsciously. Each written movement or stroke reveals a specific
personality trait.
Handwriting analysts identify
these strokes as they appear in handwriting and describe the corresponding
personality trait. Handwriting is like body language, but is more specific
and is frozen for a more detailed analysis of our unconscious movements.