Pigs also care a great
deal about friends and family and work hard to keep everyone
in their life happy. Helping others is a true pleasure for the
Pig, who feels best when everyone else is smiling.Pigs are so
magnanimous they can appear almost saintly; this can lead some
less than-well- intentioned souls to stomp all over this Sign,
and the bad news is, the Pig will take the blows! Pigs make
great companions in part because of their refusal to see the
more negative or base qualities in a partner, but that rose-colored
view can lead to this Sign's allowing itself to be taken advantage
However, Pigs can be quite
venomous in response to being crossed by a lover, friend or business
Pigs are highly intelligent creatures, forever
studying, playing and probing in their quest for greater knowledge.
They can be misinterpreted as being lazy, however, due to their
love of reveling in the good stuff;
Domestically, Pigs tend to make wonderful life
partners due to their hearts of gold and their love of family.
Even so, Pigs can be rather exclusive, choosing to spend time
with those who will appreciate them most and ignore the rest of
the populace.
Pigs would do well to realize that there's
more to life than being needed. When they open up their world
to a diverse group of people, they will truly bloom.
Ideal Partners : Tiger
| Goat | Dog |