most of the Christians , a "Christian astrology" cannot exist; the very
idea is a contradiction in terms (oxymoron is the fashionable word). Yet
Christianity begins with signs in the heavens and the visit of Wise Men
or Magi (literally, astrologers) to the Christ child.
star went before them until it stopped over the place where the child
was." (Matt.
The Bible
itself states in its first chapter (Gen.1.14) that
the lights in the heavens were put there as "signs" and signs exist to
be interpreted. In his answer to Job, God asks him if he can "bring
out the signs of the zodiac in their seasons" (Job 38.32).
The origins
of Hebrew astrology are popularly attributed to Abraham or even Noah though
it is more likely that it should be traced to the Jewish exile in Babylon.
Possibly at that time the subject entered through the influence of biblical
figures like Daniel, who had access to the pagan wisdom, or Ezekiel whose
vision of the four creatures around the throne has profound relations
to the astrology of the elements and the four fixed signs.
And God
said, "Let there be lights
in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let
them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, . . ." (Genesis
God told
the Israelites: "Let the
children of Israel also keep the passover at his appointed season."
(Numbers 9:2) How were they supposed
to know when the "season" of Passover had come? By watching for the Full
According to Islam,
Astrology is the scientific study of stars for determining and fixing
time division such as months and seasons and directions.In modern times,
this is lawful because it is perceived by the senses and fixed calculations,
which can help determine the times of prescribed prayers, and other religious
duties that should be observed at certain times.
Allāh has informed
us of His intended purpose for the stars: to guide mankind in the right
path and to drive away evil satanic forces that might disrupt one' life
in this world of ours.
the Sun runneth on unto a resting place for him .That is the measuring
of the mighty, the wise. And for the Moon, we have appointed mensions
till she returns like an old shrivelled palm leaf. It is not for the sun
to overtake the Moon, nor doth the nights outstrips the day. They float
each in an orbit."
(Surah X X X VI. verse 38,39,and 40). These verse prove the well ordained
and well knit mechanism of Allah's creation.
At another place He
says, "He is who appointed the Sun a splendour and
the Moon a light and measured for her stages that he might know the number
of the years, and the reckoning. Allah has created not (all) that save
in truth.
find that in the Holy Quran, in several verses, Almighty has asked and
encouraged mankind to look into and ponder over the objects of his creation,
including the heaven, the stars and the Moon, in orders the understand
his signs and thereby his supreme might, glory and greatness.
Mention in
regard to Astrology or the influence of planets and stars is found in
the Holy Quran in connection with Pharaoh, who was warned of the birth
of Prophet Moses.
As a consequence of the prediction by the court astrologers of King Namrood
who Predicted birth of Prophet Ibrahim so much so that they predicted
accurately the conception of Prophet Ibrahim in spite of the best efforts
of the King Namrood to prevent it.
Vedic Astrology or
Indian Astrology or Hindu astrology, is a system that originated in ancient
India, and was documented by sages in the Vedic scriptures.Also known
as "Jyotish" -- the science
of light, Vedic astrology deals with astral light patterns
that are thought to determine our destiny.
It is a little known
fact that the ancient maharishis
from the Vedic era of India (c. 3000 B.C.) were also master astrologers.
Parashara, considered the grandfather of
modern Vedic Astrology, was the grandson of the Rishi Vasishta, and the
father of Veda Vyasa, who compiled the Vedas,
the Bhagavad Gita,
and many other scriptures of the Vedic tradition. Throughout the
centuries of India's long history, countless saints, scholars, and sages
have studied and practiced the sacred science of astrology.
The basic premise
of this Vedic astrology is that all things are linked. Your
karma or fortune is determined by a predestined cosmic design.
You are a soul incarnating in a body at a very specific time and place,
and your life is a reflection of the greater whole into which you are
born just as flowers bloom at certain times, say during spring time, when
all conditions are perfectly congenial. So is the case with our births
on this planet.
In Jyotish, the main
item is your chart. It's a map of the planets in the signs of the zodiac.
Charts are cast based on an exact moment at an exact place on earth. Therefore,
the moment you were born and the place you were born has a chart, and
that is your "birth chart" or "natal chart".
Eg; A Natal Chart

By reading the chart
of the heavens for the time and place of your birth, claim vedic astrologers,
they can know much about you. The positions of the planets in the real
star-based zodiac are taken and your "dashas" (predictive timeline) are
arranged. Your Vedic chart will most likely reflect your real life and
your dashas are probably operating the way they should. The Vedic astrologer
looks at these planets, signs and house placements in your chart and can
"see" your personality, as well as life events and possibilities - both
the good and the bad times in your life. The dashas are then used to determine
"when" the events will unfold in the life.
Through Vedic Astrology
we can discover the underlying unity of existence, the cosmic connection
between the macrocosm and the microcosm. It can be a doorway to mystical
awakening, a window into the Infinite, a pathway to Self-knowledge. It
can be all of these things for you, if you choose to become a seeker of
Zoroastrian astrological
system is the original source of all subsequent currents and tendencies
in astrology. The calendar cycle includes 32 years, in which each year
has a certain symbol connected to one of the animals with a totem. The
totem has certain symbolics and properties given to the person who has
been born in the given year. Every totem has an antitotem, warning about
devil temptations, offered to people of the given year of birth.
Owl - 1904, 1936,
1968, 2000
Falcon - 1905, 1937, 1969, 2001
Deer - 1906, 1938,
1970, 2002
Ram - 1907, 1939, 1971, 2003
Mongoose - 1908, 1940,
1972, 2004
Wolf - 1909, 1941, 1973, 2005
Stork - 1910, 1942,
1974, 2006
Spider - 1911, 1943, 1975, 2007
The Year of the Ram
who are born in this sign, are under special supervision of their ancestors
who left for a better world. They consider their family as somewhat holy
and inviolable. People of the Ram totem can't be outside of patrimonial,
family, or national traditions. Big masses involvement in their affairs
is most important for them. However, they are quiet and obedient. It is
necessary to mention that this sign is a miserable sheep without energy
of masses. It needs to be directed. People of this sign should be connected
with earth to sow the good seed. People of the Ram sign are neither fat
nor thin; they tend to be a bit popeyed with curling hair and a little
bit poking teeth.
This sign anti-totem is the person not knowing
his antecedents and traditions. He is the one desecrating his family and
ancestors, marauder, and cosmopolitan, who absorbed all the worst that
exists in his ancestry. This person considers all people around him to
be stupid sheep, and the only person who deserves respect is him.
What the Bible says.. "He determines the
number of the
stars and calls
them each by
name" (Psalm 147:4).
"And God said,
'Let there be
lights in the expanse
of the sky to
separate the day
from the night,
and let them
serve as signs
to mark seasons
and days and years,..." (Genesis 1:14)
"There is a time
for everything, a
season for every
activity under heaven:
a time to be born
and a time to die,
a time to plant
and a time to uproot,
." (Ecl. 3:1-2)
Quran Quotes ?And
indeed We have adorned the nearest heaven with lamps.? Sūrah
67: Āyah 5.
landmarks (sign posts during the day) and by the stars (during the night),
they (mankind) guide themselves.? Sūrah
16: Āyah 16. ?
and We have made such lamps as missiles to drive away the Shayatīn (devils).? Sūrah 67: Āyah
(O Muhammad) : Behold what is in the heaven and the earth! But revelations
and warnings avail not folk who will not perceive." (Surah
Yunus : verse 101).
detaileth the revelations for people who have knowledge" (Surah
X verse 5).
The Vedic
system of astrology originated in India over 5,000 years ago.
Vedic Astrology is related to astral patterns
that are believed to shapes one's destiny.
Natal charts or birth charts
are the sole basis upon which a person's future rests according
to Vedic Astrologers.
Vedic astrology differs
from Western or Tropical astrology mainly in that it
uses the fixed zodiac as opposed
to the moving zodiac.
Astrology has six main branches:
Astronomy, Mathematics, Birth Charts, Mundane Predictions, Auspicious
and Omens .
Krishna states:
"Oh Arjuna, the Lord dwells in the heart of
beings, and by His Maya causes all beings to revolve as though mounted
on a machine." (Bhagavad Gita, 18.61).
Vedic astrologers
are less limited to talking about your general overall self and can
get more deeply into what's going to happen in your life.
Zoraostrain calendar
is divided into a 32 cycle period.
Those born in the year 2003 would be obedient and quiet and thye consider
their homes as the best solace . |